Ongoing research projects
Project: Support in Time
“Development and evaluation of an intervention in time processing ability and daily time management in preschool children with and without cognitive disabilities” Funding from CKF in Dalarna. Doctoral student Sara Wallin Ahlström OT(reg), professor Lena Almqvist is main supervisor, Gunnel Janeslätt, assistant professor Catharina Gustavsson and Maria Harder PhD, are also supervisors and contribute in this project. One feasibility study and one interview study are published and a RCT-study is in the final state (ref feasibility study 26; ref interview study 27).
Project: Typically developing (TD) children and children with ASD age 10 – 15 , time processing ability and daily time management
The aim of this study is to investigate the time processing ability and daily time management in TD children, to compare children with and children without Autism Spectrum Disorder aged 10 – 15 years and to investigate and identify patterns of Time Processing Ability in children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this study Gunnel Janeslätt, PhD cooperates with Birgitta Wennberg, PhD, Linköping University and Annika Sköld PhD, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
Project: KaTid®-Youth in Sweden and in NL (NLY)
The aim of this study was to investigate and psychometrically evaluate an updated instrument: Kit for assessing Time Processing abiity (KaTid) in a web app: the KaTid-Youth 2.0 and the self rating of daily time management in TD children age 10-17, children with ADHD and ID in a Swedish context. In this project Gunnel Janeslätt co-operates with Birgitta Wennberg, PhD, Linköping University, Anki Persson, PhD KIDS and professor Marie Holmefur.
There is a parallell project ongoing in NL. Professor Petra Hurks, Christine Resch PhD och Esther Keulers PhD, Researchers at Maastricht University, Netherlands are, in cooperation with Gunnel Janeslätt, KaTid Svenska AB, updating KaTid®-Youth 2.0 to make it fully standardized. With this instrument, research will follow to investigate the time processing ability in typically developing youth and norms for use of the instrument in NL will be established.
Project: Adults with ID and Time
`In control of time – Time Processing Abilities and Daily Time Management in adults with intellectual disabilities’ is a recently started project. The Swedish part of it will evaluate instruments for assessment of time processing ability and daily time management in adults with ID. Funding was granted from Center for Clinical Research in Dalarna, Uppsala University: CKFUU-962831. The aim is to investigate the psychometric properties of the KaTid®-Adult and the Time-S in adults with mild or moderate ID. Gunnel Janeslätt co-operates in this project with researchers in the LGO-research team. Researchers in Netherlands; professor Xavier Moonen, professor Paula von Sterkenburg, Evelien van Wingerden, PhD and doctoral student Deborah van Elst, at Amsterdam University.
Project: Let´s get organized
“Let´s get organized – intervention to improve time management and organization skills in adults with cognitive impairment”. Project leader is professor Marie Holmefur. Co-researchers are Gunnel Janeslätt, Kajsa Lidstöm Holmqvist PhD from Mälardalens university, Afsaneh RoshanayPhD, Uppsala university and Patrik Arvidsson PhD from Linköping university, Clinical professor Suzanne White and doctoral student Maria Wingren OT (reg) at Örebro university (18, 19). Within this project is also a study about “Daily time management, organization, parental competence and stress in adults with neurodevelopmental and mental disabilities” including an interview study evaluating outcome in parents with mental disabilities after participating in LGO intervention (20).
Please contact us if you have any questions.